Virginia Krueger
Virginia Krueger is Communications Coordinator at Chelsea District Library. She has a BA in History from the University of Michigan with 20+ years of marketing, sales, and communication experience in private industry, public library, and volunteer positions. As a resident for nearly 20 years, she has observed multiple failed attempts to develop the Federal Screw Works property. It remains an eyesore at one gateway into downtown Chelsea and negatively impacts neighboring property values. Main Street Park answers this long-term problem with a development that will be an asset for generations.
One of the things that makes Chelsea unique is the investment that individuals have made to collectively create a thriving community and downtown. This park will be a cornerstone of the community that will allow multiple generations to gather and recreate, continuing the tradition of Chelsea being a place for families to live, work, and play. Virginia serves on the Marketing Committee.
Virginia serves on the Marketing Committee.
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