How is MSPA making the site safe?

Environmental Remediation Facts Sheet

  1. The remediation comprises two phases: Phase 1 is the SW Corner dig, and Phase 2 is the Cap installation.

  2. SW Corner Dig removes 7000 tons of soil from the most impacted areas, and this occurs in October/November. 2024 and is funded by a Washtenaw County Brownfields Grant. 

  3. The City is also simultaneously replacing a damaged storm drain that intersects the property during Phase 1.

  4. Approximately 180 tandem hauler trucks will remove soils from the site during the Phase 1 SW dig.

  5. Phase 2, Cap installation, removes the top 2’ of soil, approximately 15,000+ tons from across the site, and replaces it with 2’ of clean soil. A permeable demarcation barrier will be placed between the top two feet and the soil beneath it. This work is slated to occur in Spring 2025 and is funded by an EGLE Grant.

  6. Approximately 380 tandem hauler trucks will remove soil during the Phase 2 cap activities.

  7. All soils are being transferred to Woodland Meadows Landfill, which WM owns.

  8. Analytical data of soils were collected in advance and sent to Woodland Meadows for approval before they accepted soils and were granted a Waste Disposal Approval.

  9. All truck loads are accompanied by a manifest that MSPA’s environmental contractor, Hydro-Logic, signs, then the truck's driver. Once it reaches the landfill, it is signed and verified by a WM representative. Manifests are returned daily to Hydro-Logic and shared with EGLE and Wash. Co. Brownfields.

  10. All clean soils returning to the site are from Lester Brothers Sand Pit in Stockbridge and were tested in advance. EGLE-approved analytical data from clean soils

  11. The site will have 2’ of clean sand across its entire permeable surface and, in some cases, up to 10 feet of clean sand as deeper remediation may be required. 

  12. MSPA removed three in-ground storage tanks that had been previously filled in. Analytical data from the areas surrounding the tanks has been shared with EGLE. 

  13. All work on site is being overseen by MSPA’s environmental contractor, Hydro-Logic, and reviewed by the City’s environmental contractor, SME, and state (EGLE), and county (WCBRA) officials. All contracted workers are HAZWOPER certified. 

  14. Two Response Activity Plans for both phases of environmental remediation work were submitted to and approved by EGLE.